
Questions taken from
moonflowerdragon's post about Meme's. Read her blog to see where it all started =)

By the way, answering the questions that she posed - I really love Meme's. Always have. So i open most Meme posts by people, especially if they are a close friend/family member because their answers really interest me. I do sometimes scan some Meme posts though.

Do you snack while reading? Yes, I quite like to snack while getting into a good story. Although, it tends to be unhealthy so maybe I should stop that habit?

What is your favourite drink while reading? No particular drink while reading. Just whatever I'm drinking in the moment. Drinking a lot of water these days.

Do you tend to mark your books while you read, or does the idea of writing in books horrify you? Never mark my books by writing in them, the thought actually does horrify me.

How do you keep your place? Bookmark? Dog-ears? Laying the book open flat? Bookmarks. I have two lovely Twilight Saga bookmarks that i love dearly.

Fiction, non-fiction or both? Fiction. Fiction. Fiction.

Do you tend to read to the end of a chapter or can you stop anywhere? I can stop, but I don't like to. The feeling of leaving a book in the middle of a chapter just doesn't feel right. If I'm reading, I definitely have to make it to a break in the writing before I can stop.

Are you the type of person to throw a book across the room or on the floor if the author irritates you? No. Being an aspiring author, I try to understand every author and why they write what they write. I sometimes read half a book and just aren't enjoying it and have to stop.

If you come across an unfamiliar word, do you stop and look it up right away? Nope. I pretend the word isn't there and if I can understand what's going on still, then I don't even worry about it.

What are you currently reading? Nora Roberts In Death Series of books. Have been for a while

What is the last book you bought? Bought? Really? I can't even remember. The pleasure of working in a library with a catalogue system where I can get books from anywhere makes me much less likely go anywhere near a book shop. Nowadays, I only buy books if I want to keep them and read them multiple times.

Do you have a favourite time/place to read? I read just before I go to bed when I'm all tucked up and warm. Otherwise, it's in the car on long trips - it usually passes the time.

Do you prefer series books or stand-alones? Series books. I love the idea of a continuing story where you can be with the characters for longer than one book. Saying that, I love some stand alone books.

Is there a specific book or author you find yourself recommending over and over? I'd say Twilight, but I know it's a choice if you want to get involved with the craziness, so I'll suggest Nicholas Sparks. Very beautiful author.

How do you organize your books (by genre, title, author’s last name, etc.)? I don't organise, really. However they fit on my shelf usually works.

Barbara’s additional question: background noise or silence? Background noise while I read is a must. People look at me weirdly when I have music playing in the background, but I find it easier to read when i have that music going. *shrug* Call me weird.!


lkellySMB said...

Hi Amelia,
Glad to see you are very comfortable with all the technology we are using in this unit... now you can use that bubbly personality of yours to encourage and assist those who aren't as comfortable with it all (the best way to learn something is to teach others).

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