Day 6 of the Photo Challenge

And Here's Day 6's photo. This photo is of my mum's library truck! I thought it was quite appropriate since we are all in a library course! My mum drives this little truck around (she's a teacher librarian) to about 9 little primary schools of under 100 kids. 2 of her schools have under 10! This little truck was pretty much my own personal library until I hit secondary school and didn't find the Aussie Nibbles, bites or chomps interesting anymore (or maybe i was just not hungry enough). =)


Davida said...

Don't we all love a challenge and I am so enjoying looking at your daily photo.

I attended the little country primary school and was so excited the day the MARC van came to visit.

Back then it seemed like a huge truck and now they don't seem so big at all!

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