So, as much as it is kinda boring, today was washing day! Other than that, I spent the day watching my poor dad suffer from watching his beloved Demons play. They didn't lose, but they didn't win. Poor Team. So, that's how I spent my long weekend!
My journey to become a well-informed librarian
I'm loving checking out your blog each day I'm adding things to mine. I love the photos you've taken. You must be like me... I'm addicted to taking photos. I can take 100's of photos a day just chasing bees around the flowers in my garden. I love doing macro shots and taking photos of everyday things and seeing the beauty in them... like weeds, or spider webs. They can be so beautiful with the righ light. Holidays are a nightmare for my husband as I'm always stopping to line up the 'perfect' shot!
I'm glad you took up the 30 day challenge as I'm really enjoying following you.
Hi Lisa =)
I am exactly like you then! I love photography. like really love it. I take heaps of photos of my pets, I think if they could talk they'd probably tell me to go away! I love scrapbooking so I love taking photos and making them into a really pretty creation! I always take the dog for walks and just take pictures of what I pass. I'm glad you are like all my photos from the challenge! I'm running out of ideas =)
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